Myofunctional Indicators and Sleep Disordered Breathing in PediatricsThe nasomaxillary complex, the mandible, and sleep-disordered breathing. Kim JH1, Guilleminault C. Author information Abstract PURPOSE:...
Do Pacifiers Cause Problems with Teeth?Part I: Your Ultimate Guide to Kid’s Dental Development If there’s one big change happening in the dental industry, we are learning that...
Identification of Mouth BreathersClinical recognition of mouth breathers by orthodontists: A preliminary study. Costa JG, et al. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2017....
Multidisciplinary management of ankyloglossia in childhood. Treatment of 101 cases. A protocolBackground Partial ankyloglossia is a limitation which restricts the possibility of protrusion and elevation of the tip of the tongue due...
Myofunctional Therapy to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisINTRODUCTION Several medical and surgical treatment modalities exist as treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).1–3 Four...
THE MISUNDERSTANDING OF POSTERIOR TONGUE TIE ANATOMY AND RELEASE TECHNIQUEWhen medical providers and parents hear the phrase “tongue tie”, they most commonly picture a tight anterior tongue tie, where the tip of...
What You Should Know About Thumb-Sucking, Pacifiers, and Other Non-Nutritive Oral HabitsBabies have the innate need to suck. It’s a reflex they are born with. Non-nutritive sucking (NNS) refers to a sucking behavior that does...
The Tongue's Role In Pediatric Sleep Disorders and Skeletal Growth and DevelopmentThe jaws grow and develop as a result of even pressure from the lips, cheeks and tongue. Any disruption in this equilibrium can result in...
Three Structures in a Child’s Mouth That Can Cause Picky EatingBabies, toddlers, and older children can develop feeding difficulties—ranging from general picky eating to severe feeding disorders—for a...
Why You May Want to Skip the Sippy Cup for Your BabyFirst comes breast or bottle, then sippy cup, right? Not so fast. Experts report you may want to just skip the sippy cup for your baby....